'NHSG Near Me' Video Consultations

If your video appointment is not with Grampian Sexual Health Service, please re-enter the web address you have been given in the address bar of your browser.

Attend Anywhere is a secure NHS video call service for patients with pre-arranged appointment times only. If you would like to have a video consultation with the sexual health service then please contact reception on 0345 337 9900 to arrange an appointment.

The service can be accessed using a Google Chrome/Safari browser via PC, Mac or an iOS/Android device.

A couple of minutes before your appointment time at the sexual health service, click on the 'Start video call' button below. You will be taken through a series of steps to ensure that your equipment is set up correctly. Once the steps have been completed, you will be prompted to enter your name and telephone number and accept the terms and conditions. This information is not stored beyond the length of the video call.

Start Video Call

Once these steps have been followed, click on the 'Start Call' button and you will enter the Sexual Health service waiting area until your consultation begins. You will see yourself on the video and hear music. The waiting area is private and you will not see other patients.

When the consultation is ready to begin, your image will shrink and move to the corner of the screen and you will see your clinician.

The video call is free (except your internet usage charge) and data is not used whilst you are in the waiting room.

Published: 22/04/2021 10:52